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Because it all matters, whether Jack's struggling to be honest with his mum or to recover from the poppers he accidentally drank (!) at Fresher's Week.ĭigital Spy caught up with Jack to discuss all that gay stuff and more ahead of the Big Boys launch on Channel 4. Like Derry Girls, which also stars Dylan Llewellyn (aka the English fella), Jack's show veers from sad to hilarious in a heartbeat without ever trivialising the moments that matter. There's also a ton of absurd, laugh-out loud moments throughout these first six episodes, not to mention a whole lot of shagging. Set during his uni days, at a time when Jack would go on Gay Spy and look at 'the naked gardener from Desperate Housewives,' Big Boys takes a painfully raw, honest look at his coming-out story and how this intersected with grief over the recent death of Jack's father.īut it's not all sadness and trauma. 'When I was in my late teens,' says Jack Rooke,' Digital Spy was clearly full of just gay guys writing about Big Brother.' Now here we are, over ten years later, and Digital Spy is still writing about gay stuff, but we've moved onto Big Boys, a new Channel 4 comedy that's written by none other than Jack himself.

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